2019 Board Installation

October 17, 2019 we had our board installation. The evening was filled with celebration of the incredible accomplishments this club and all our volunteers have made in two short years (35,000 books, 38 book boxes and over 4,000 service hours to our communities).
Thanks to Pamela Marcello from Congressman Adam Schiff office, @Maria Azilazian from Assemblymember Laura Friedman‘s office and @Jason Maruca from Supervisor Kathryn Barger‘s office for coming to the event and sharing their stories about the power of books and reading. They also presented certificates of appreciation to our incredible board which was very humbling and we were so honored. Also, thanks to Senator Anthony Portantino, 25th District’s office for sending certificates to the event.
There was a special moment where Bob Frutos shared his stories of connecting with Doug & Jean Chadwick when he was serving on the LAPD & Chief Beck’s staff. We were all very moved by his friendship, support and passion for what the club is doing & the power of books.
We had the privilege of having Immediate Past LTG Div 16 Cynthia Faust retire the current board (Jean Chadwick, Douglas Chadwick, Jonathan Lee Diane Cripe and @Caesar Milch (Carol Derry) and LTG Division 16 Lisa Malm installed the current board (Jean Chadwick, Douglas Chadwick, Jonathan Lee, Diane Cripe, Caesar Milch Carol Derry, Harvey Branman Shekhar Chikhalikar). Thank you both for coming out to support us.
Our new president Douglas Chadwick shared his theme and goals for the next two years (including a custom made 6′ ruler and cool centerpieces) “Measuring the power of literacy – one book, one child & one community at a time”
Thanks to Jennifer L. Robinson for once again doing an incredible job on the photos for the event. Thank you to VFW 8310 The Gudgeon for hosting the event and Shelly Real , Parker Pennings and Jack for making and helping to serve all the food.
#kidsneedkiwanis #beabookhero #measuringpowerofliteracy #readingisasuperpower
Luis Centeno Kelly Peña Valarie Brown-Klingelhoefer Rie Lee Juan J Guillen Janet Diel Lisa Malm